Veneers in Meridian | Roots Dental

in Meridian, ID

Are you looking to transform your smile and achieve a stunning, flawless appearance? Look no further than veneers! Veneers are a popular cosmetic dental treatment that can enhance the shape, size, and color of your teeth, giving you the smile you've always dreamed of. At Roots Dental in Meridian, we offer high-quality veneers that are custom-made to match your natural teeth, providing you with a natural-looking and long-lasting result. Call (208) 906-0306 to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards a beautiful smile with veneers at Roots Dental in Meridian.

Veneers in Meridian | Roots Dental

Why should I get Veneers?

Veneers can address a variety of dental concerns and offer numerous benefits. Whether you have chipped, stained, or misaligned teeth, veneers can help you achieve a beautiful smile. Here are a few reasons why you should consider getting veneers:

1. Enhanced Aesthetics: Veneers can completely transform your smile, giving you a straighter, whiter, and more symmetrical appearance. With veneers, you can correct imperfections and achieve the smile you've always wanted.

2. Long-lasting Results: Veneers are made from durable materials that are designed to withstand daily wear and tear. With proper care, veneers can last for many years, providing you with a long-lasting solution for your dental concerns.

3. Minimally Invasive: Unlike other dental treatments, veneers require minimal alteration of your natural teeth. The procedure involves removing a small amount of enamel to create space for the veneers, ensuring a comfortable and minimally invasive experience.

Did you know…

tooth icon

Veneers can also help improve the functionality of your teeth by providing additional strength and protection.

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The Benefits of Veneers

Enhanced Confidence

With veneers, you can regain your confidence and feel proud of your smile. Say goodbye to self-consciousness and hello to a renewed sense of self-esteem.

Improved Dental Health

Veneers can also improve your overall dental health. By covering the front surface of your teeth, veneers can protect them from further damage and decay, ensuring a healthier and stronger smile.

Customizable Results

Veneers are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and natural-looking result. You can work closely with our skilled dental team to achieve the exact smile you desire.

The Veneers Treatment Process

Consultation and Examination

During your initial consultation, Dr. Bill Frei will examine your teeth, discuss your goals, and determine if veneers are the right treatment for you. This is an opportunity for you to ask any questions and address any concerns you may have.


To prepare your teeth for veneers, a small amount of enamel will be removed from the front surface of your teeth. This ensures a proper fit and allows the veneers to bond securely to your teeth.

Veneer Placement

Once your teeth are prepared, Dr. Bill Frei will carefully bond the veneers to your teeth using a strong dental adhesive. The veneers will be adjusted and polished to ensure a comfortable fit and a natural-looking result.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.
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Time to Smile!

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